Steve & Vanice Pinnick | Pastor

Pastor Steve Pinnick was saved in 1980 at the end of The Jesus People movement. Saved out of a lifestyle of drug addiction, he developed a burden for those struggling with these issues. He was involved early on with Prison Ministry and also through the years also with drug treatment centers. He has Pastored in Kansas, Washington State, Northern California, and was Assistant Pastor at The Door Church in Tucson, AZ, before moving to Athens. On Sept 18th, 2022, he took over the church here in Athens as Pastor Gene LaValley and his wife, Cheryl, answered the call to leave Athens and take over a church in Canada.

Married to his wife Vanice for 38 years, they have 3 Children who are all married, and 10 Grandchildren. His son Wesley is a Pastor in Long Beach, Ca. His daughters Kara and Ashley are involved in ministries in their local churches. He has a deep desire to see people reach wholeness, liberty and healing through a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.

Juilio & Aurora Gonzales | Spanish Pastor