

Visit the link below and give securely online. Keep track of your giving history by logging in.


Text “Give” to 706-717-7707

*If you are a first-time text-to-give user, you will receive a registration link.


You can mail your contribution to: Victory Chapel 630 Olympic Drive, Athens GA 30601

Biblical Giving

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

This often claimed and quoted promise in Philippians 4:19 was linked to and based upon the generous sacrificial giving sent to Paul “once and again” by that faithful body of believers. “Not because I desire a gift,” says the apostle in verse 17, “but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” The precious souls whose lives are touched by the Gospel are the fruit – not only of those who go forth bearing precious seed – but also of those who remain behind to hold the financial ropes.

Reaching the World

Our mission to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ is made possible by God’s grace and by your generosity. We extend our utmost gratitude in advance for your charitable contribution to Victory Chapel. Every dollar you give reaches the local Athens community and a growing number of nations around the world.

